Vol. 78 (2020): Español


Español Español
Programa de posgrado, ENAH.
Español Español
Español Español
Centro INAH Sonora.
Español Español

Published 2020-04-30


  • Español


The main objective of this study was to reconstruct different demographic scenarios based on estimates of mortality, fertility, and life expectancy for the population of Monte Albán during the Classic period. We used a sample of 406 skeletons from domestic contexts excavated by diverse archaeological projects from the 1970s to 2014. The results reveal differences among the chronological periods; in general during the Classic period the structure by age and gender groups correspond to a very young population. Life expectancy at birth decreased from an average of 25 years of age during MA II and IIIa to 23.6 in the next period. The highest infant mortality was in MA II and the highest crude birth rate was identified during during MA IIIb-IV, which is consistent with the period of highest demographic growth recorded for Monte Albán.


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