Vol. 81 (2021): Español


Español Español

Published 2021-04-30


  • Español


Clinical contexts are scenarios where educational processes take place simultaneously to healthcare, in which the curriculum is updated. This paper focuses on the description and analysis of the event defined as “on call delivery and patient rounds” that takes place every morning to review income, outflows, and follow-up of inpatients. The objective is to describe some of the interactions that occur in this strip of activity to elucidate the articulations and tensions between academic and care processes, to understand the narrative structures that underlie this ritual, the effect in the formation of the residents (Rs), as well as the configuration of their identity as psychiatrists. Methodologically it is a qualitative ethnographic cut study based on face-to-face observation, the field work was carried out between March and April 2019 in the Psychiatry Service of a third level healthcare hospital in the Metropolitan Area of Mexico´s Valley (Cifanep).


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