Vol. 59 (2013): Dimensión Antropológica

El Xochitlicacan y el Quauitl-xicalli del recinto sagrado de México Tenochtitlan: el árbol como símbolo de poder en el México antiguo

Edgar Nebot García
Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH).

Published 2013-12-31


  • Templo Mayor,
  • Tamoanchan,
  • encino,
  • arriate,
  • mexíca,
  • religión,
  • arqui­tectura.
  • ...More

How to Cite

El Xochitlicacan y el Quauitl-xicalli del recinto sagrado de México Tenochtitlan: el árbol como símbolo de poder en el México antiguo. (2013). Dimensión Antropológica, 59, 7-50. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/dimension/article/view/767


Throughout much of pre­Hispanic history, indigenous groups in ancient Mexico have shown reverence for trees in their localities as sacred entities essential to com­ municate with their ancestors, to establish contact with celestial, earthly and un­ derworld realms, and even to legitimate the power of the ruling class by means of divine discourse. All of this is explicitly represented in material expressions such as codices, sculpture, and painting on a large scale. During excavations conducted in Mexico City by the Urban Archaeology Program in front of the steps of the Hui­ tzilopochtli temple, archaeologists recovered the remains of an ancient border from the Mexica era that still served to support one of the major mythological trees with bifurcated branches. Taken as a whole, these discoveries attest to the presence of the original paradise of Tamoanchan and its connection with the land. 


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