No. 7 (2018): Expedicionario, Revista de Estudios en Antropología

Expressions of contemporary orientalism: The case study of otaku in Chihuahua, Mexico

Published 2018-12-31


  • Otaku,
  • Orientalism,
  • Japonism,
  • Stereotype,
  • Soft power


This paper presents data obteined from a field research among fans of anime and manga in Chihuahua city (México), participants of the otaku global culture. These findings focus on one feature of non-japanese otaku people: a deep admiration of the emblems of japanese culture and the reproduction of a discourse that divides the world in two ontologically differentiated entities, East/West. Based on the testimonies of otaku, we propase to understand otaku culture as a contemporary expression of orientalism, which although it reproduces the same oriental stereotypes, is expressed with a less colonial sense and always lends to comparison with the local context (México) that ends up being demerited in otaku perspective.


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