Del Viejo Mundo al noreste de México: registro arqueobotánico de Lagenaria siceraria en Nuevo León
Published 2025-01-21
- calabash gourd,
- Cucurbitaceae,
- macrobotanical remains,
- paleoethnobotany,
- Sierra Madre Oriental
Copyright (c) 2024 Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
This article explores the archaeobotanical record of bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) in the northern Mexican state of Nuevo León, examining its antiquity and potential uses. The record comprises seeds, exocarp fragments, and fruit peduncles, with temporal evidence from the Middle Archaic to Late Prehistory. The oldest remains, exocarp fragments found at El Morro Organico, have been linked to charcoal samples dating back over 3 000 years. The evidence suggests a range of uses for this plant, including as a container, rattle, medicine, and food, although the latter might not have been as prevalent. In addition, a morphometric analysis of the thickness of exocarpsamples from El Morro Organico is presented, which indicates the presence of macroremains with domestication syndrome. The development of genetic studies and more absolute dating could provide a more nuanced understanding of the natural and cultural history of this plant in the region.
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