Las palabras de los huesos en la memoria del sacrificio.

Tafonomía cultural en un depósito ritual de Tenochtitlan


  • Luz Montenegro Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia
  • Raúl Barrera Dirección de Salvamento Arqueológico
  • Lorena Vásquez Arqueología Urbana - INAH
  • Jorge A Gómez-Valdés Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia


Bioarqueología, Tafonomía cultural, Sacrificio, Mesoamérica, Cuerpo


Cultural taphonomy processes are described and interpreted in the skeletal series of a ritual deposit located in the Sacred Precinct of Tenochtitlan and associated with Teotlachco. The central objective is the identification of the processes of cultural alteration in the bones to interpret them within the historical context of Tenochtitlan. The subsequent objectives are contained in the characterization of the archaeological context and the characterization of the skeletal series. Signs of cut marks, percussion and intentional fractures were identified, and they have been presented according to their frequency. An
association with sacrifice is inferred, indicating postmortem treatment of the body for ritual purposes.


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