Sobre la revista
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Intervención is attached to the Open Access (OA) policies, a movement that declares refereed scientific production (peer review) of free access, download, and consultation. Intervention does not charge authors for submitting and processing articles for publication. All published texts are registered under a Creative Commons license, Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International, (CC BY-NC 4.0), which declares that the material can be used only if the source from which it comes is cited, respecting the moral rights of each author and the content used. The use of this material for commercial purposes is not authorized.
Digital Archiving Policies
This journal uses the LOCKSS (Digital Preservation Network) system to create a distributed storage system among participating libraries and allows for the creation of permanent archives in the journal for content preservation purposes.
Anti-plagiarism policy
As part of an initial evaluation process, each contribution is reviewed to ensure that it is unpublished and respects copyright based on the proper use of citations and references (Guidelines for authors). Various plagiarism identification software programs are used to verify that the article does not engage in an inappropriate academic practice.
Ethical code
Intervención journal subscribes to the code of ethics for the performance and performance of the actors involved in the publication process of this journal (editors, editorial committee, authors, and reviewers) established by the Ethics Committee for Publications (COPE) and available at In the event of non-compliance with these provisions, future collaboration proposals will be subject to limitations.
The fiscal resources model is used to fund the Intervención journal, which translates into perceptions obtained through aids or transfers granted by the Mexican federal government resulting from contributions from individuals for communal purposes.
In addition to being part of the CONAHCyT Classification System of Mexican Science and Technology Journals, Intervención is indexed in recognized national and international repositories and directories, such as:
- Latindex-Catalog of the Online Information System for Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal
- REDALyC-Network of Scientific Journals of Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal
- LatinREV-Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences in Argentina, FLACSO
- CLASE-Latin American Citations in Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dialnet-La Rioja University
- REBIUN-CRUE-Network of Spanish universities and scientific libraries
- Mediateca-Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
- BIBLAT-Latin-American Bibliography in Scientific and social research journals
- REDIB-Ibero-American Network of Scientific Knowledge
- SciELO-Scientific Electronic Library Online
- UNESDOC-Digital Library of the UNESCO Databases
- AATA-Getty- Art and Archaeology Technical Abstracts of the Getty Conservation Institute
- BCIN-Bibliographic database of the Conservation Information Network
- Google Scholar
- Ulrichs Web-Global Serials Directory
- ILAMDOCS- Virtual Documentation Center on Patrimonial Management
- ESCI-Web of Science (Thomson Reuters)-Emerging Sources Citation Index
- The Keepers Registry
Intervención History
Intervención. Revista Internacional de Conservación, Restauración y Museología (Intervention. International Journal of Conservation, Restoration, and Museology is an initiative created in 2009 at the National School of Conservation, Restoration, and Exhibition Design (Escuela Nacional de Conservación, Restauración y Museografía [ENCRyM], in Spanish) "Manuel del Castillo Negrete" of the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (National Institute of Anthropology and History [INAH]), Mexico) with the aim of becoming a space for analysis, reflection, and academic exchange for professionals and those interested in cultural heritage from inter and transdisciplinary perspectives. Its first printed issue was published in 2010. In 2013, by operating content on the Open Journal System (OJS) platform, Intervención was integrated into Conachyt's Index of Science and Technology Journals, later known as the Mexican Journals Classification System of Science and Technology Index.