Número 1, enero-junio, 2010
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The First Colloquium of Directors of Latin American Restoration Centers, Havana, Cuba, 25 years later

Salvador Díaz-Berrio Fernández
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana UAM y Escuela Nacional de Conservación, Restauración y Museografía ENCRyM - Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia INAH

Published 2010-06-11


  • conservation,
  • Latin America,
  • colloquium,
  • History,
  • analysis

How to Cite

The First Colloquium of Directors of Latin American Restoration Centers, Havana, Cuba, 25 years later. (2010). Intervención, Revista Internacional De Conservación, Restauración Y Museología, 1, 76-81. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/intervencion/article/view/14


This article examines the conclusions of the First Colloquium of Latin America Restauration Centers, which took place in 1984 at La Habana, Cuba. After contextualising the historical circumstances of their origins, particularly in relation to the activities carried out by the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH ) at a national and international scale, the present text studies the colloquium particularities, with an emphasis on its main contributions. These are retrospectively examined on regards of the role that Mexico has occupied for the training of specialists in conservation and restoration at Latin America, in order to bring up a fresh consideration to the current demands for fulfilling future responsibilities.


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