Número 2, julio-diciembre, 2010

The Museum and its Relationship with the Community. New Museological Paths: Examples and Reference Points.

Rosa Elba Camacho
Escuela Nacional de Conservación, Restauración y Museografía ENCRyM- Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia INAH

Published 2013-06-11


  • interpretation,
  • museum,
  • discourses,
  • visitors,
  • critical routes,
  • history
  • ...More

How to Cite

The Museum and its Relationship with the Community. New Museological Paths: Examples and Reference Points. (2013). Intervención, Revista Internacional De Conservación, Restauración Y Museología, 2, 8-15. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/intervencion/article/view/18


The following essay is an initial approach to the present dilemma that many anthropologically themed museums facing: new and different needs from publics, and the evolution of the very notion of the true mission of a museum. Based upon several authors, both classical and contemporary, a general map has been drawn, pointing out the many available options for the current institutions that have also been identified as working within the limits of the interpretative paradigm. Although several museums still have strong reminiscences of the older educational paradigm, they all share the continuous effort towards a better communication with their publics, be it by means of hybridation, integration within larger museological complexes, emotion-triggering stagings, identity reaffirmation or the inclusion of alternative stories, told by the many voices that conform today's societies.


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  1. Cameron, Duncan
  2. “The Museum, a Temple or the Forum”, en Anderson, G. (ed.), Reinventing the Museum. Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on the Paradigm Shift, Lanham, Altamira Press, 61-73.
  3. Genoways, Hugh H. y M. A. Andrei (eds.)
  4. Museum Origins. Readings in early museum History and Philosophy, Walnut Creek, California, Left Coast Press, 23-28, 99-110, 137-142 y 187-190.
  5. Gob, A. y N. Drouguet
  6. “Définition et diversité des musées”, en La Muséologie. Histoire, Développments, enjeux actuels, París, Armand Colin, 29-48. Hooper-Greenhill, Eilean
  7. “Education, postmodernity and the museum”, en Knell S.J. et al., Museum Revolutions. How museums change and are changed, Londres, Routledge, 367-377.
  8. Maceira, Luz
  9. “Dimensiones simbólico-rituales de los museos-lugares de la memoria”, en Alteridades, México, UAM, año 19, núm. 37: 69-85.
  10. Morales, Luis Gerardo
  11. “Museo y Grafía: observación y lectura de los objetos”, en Historia y Grafía, México, UIA, núm. 13: 225-256.
  12. “Los límites narrativos de los museos de historia”, en Alteridades, México, UAM, año 19, núm. 37: 43-56.
  13. Ross, Max
  14. “Interpreting the new museology”, en Revista Museum and Society, documento electrónico, Julio 2004, University of Leicester, 84-103, disponible en: http://www.le.ac.uk/ms/m&s/Issue%205/ross.pdf, consultado en julio 2004.
  15. Simpson, Moira
  16. “The ‘new' museum paradigm”, en Making representations. Museums in the post-colonial era, Londres y Nueva York, Routledge, 71-170.
  17. Vázquez Olvera, Carlos
  18. “La concepción del Museo Nacional de Historia y el Patrimonio Cultural Mexicano. Proyectos culturales de sus ex-directores (1946-1992)”, tesis de maestría en Antropología Social, México, ENAH.
  19. Watson, Sheila
  20. “History museums, community identities and a sense of place: rewriting histories”, en Knell, S.J. et al., Museum Revolutions. How museums change and are changed. Londres, Routledge, 160-172.
  21. Zunzunegui, Santos
  22. Metamorfosis de la Mirada. Museo y Semiótica, Madrid, Cátedra-Universitat de València.
  23. Referencias en Internet
  24. Museu d'Història de Catalunya:http://www.es.mhcat.net/
  25. Royal BC Museum: http://www.royalbcmuseum.bc.ca/zoning/Default.aspx
  26. Complexe muséal du musée de la Civilisation, Québec: http://www.mcq.org/fr/complexe/index.html
  27. Museu Maritím de Barcelona: http://www.mmb.cat/visita.php?idm=2&pagina=3&codi_subseccio=44&estic=1
  28. MuseumsQuartier, Wien (explicación básica en español):
  29. http://www.mqw.at/downloads/basisfolder2008/basisfolder_spanisch.pdf