Published 2025-01-16
- contemporary art,
- history,
- art critique,
- Mexico
Copyright (c) 2017 Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH)
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How to present the diversity of factors that, in the Mexico of the 90s, determined the displacement of a way to create art called neomexicanismo to another linked to object-conceptual-art? How was this new artistic modality articulated with the progressive neglect of frameworks with a national meaning, in favor of narratives that no longer sought to be geographically relevant, but that prioritized the contemporary?
Rubik’s cube. Mexican art in the 90s by Daniel Montero (2014), analyzes the way in which different events that took place in the Mexican art scene came together to transform the local art field, departing from the redefinition of both art and the plastic and narrative production forms. The different approaches analyzed by Montero (the different sides of the Rubik’s cube) present the configuration of an area in which art is also politics and economy.
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- Gallo, Rubén (2004). New Tendencies in Mexican Art: The 1990s, New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Macías, Vania (2006). “Espacios alternativos de los noventa”, en Olivier Debroise (ed.), La era de la discrepancia. Arte y cultura visual en México 1968-1997, México, MUCA-UNAM, 366-370.
- MOMA (2016). “Broken obelisk de Barnett Newman 1963-1969” [página web], EUA, MOMA, documento electrónico disponible en, consultado en octubre de 2016.
- Montero, Daniel (2014). El cubo de Rubik. Arte mexicano en los años 90, México, Fundación Jumex Arte Contemporáneo + RM, Colección Académica, 1.
- OMR (2015). Galería OMR [página web], México, documento electrónico disponible en [], consultado en octubre de 2016.
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