Animal Anatomy. Digital Techniques for the Sculptural Reconstruction of the Original Appearance of a Wax Model of the 19th Century
Published 2025-01-21
- wax sculpture,
- photogrammetry,
- digital techniques,
- 3D printing,
- preservation
- 19th century ...More
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A combination of photogrammetry, digital modeling, and 3D printing was used as support for this research to enhance an anatomical animal model, round bulge structure from the 19th century, belonging to the Complutense Veterinary Museum, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) (Spain), whose original integrity was compromised as consequence of the complete removal of its head. The absence of original fragments and the inexistence of documentary, visual, or written sources that justified an anastylosis led to posing an alternative solution in which respect for the original as a “ruin” prevailed, and in turn contributed to a better understanding of its lost functional values. Thanks to the methodology used, the manipulation of the work was minimized and the application of chemical substances during the registry phase was unnecessary. The digital model developed has been shared through internet, which contributes to its dissemination.
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