Vol. 1 No. 21 (2020): enero-junio
Research article

The pajarete Construction System in Traditional Housing in the State of Colima, Mexico

Antonio Flores Calvario
Universidad de Guanajuato (UG), Mexico
Minerva Rodríguez Licea
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco, México

Published 2025-01-23


  • earthen architecture,
  • conservation,
  • built heritage,
  • Bahareque,
  • Mexico

How to Cite

The pajarete Construction System in Traditional Housing in the State of Colima, Mexico. (2025). Intervención, Revista Internacional De Conservación, Restauración Y Museología, 1(21), 212-256. https://doi.org/10.30763/Intervencion.228.v1n21.07.2020


Bahareque, a type of wattle and daub, is one of the construction techniques with earth that has received little study and analysis. However, in some regions it was the method most often used for the construction of houses, due to the existence of materials of natural origin in the immediate surroundings, and its proven survival and potential for application in sustainable construction. The present text analyzes the use of this construction system in the Mexican state of Colima, where it is still used in various rural houses in which it has shown its thermal qualities and resistance to earthquakes.


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