The Sciences as Processes: Gaston Bachelard, the Public Communication of Sciences and Total Museology
Published 2025-01-23
- Gaston Bachelard,
- communication of the sciences,
- scientific knowledge,
- museology,
- museums
- science centers ...More
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Part of Gaston Bachelard’s extensive work has been applied in many areas of philosophical and humanistic research; however, his contribution to the field of public communication of science and museology is brief. The main objective of this essay is to present the convergence of some of the ideas expressed by Bachelard with respect to the sciences: their historical study, their teachings and learnings, with recently enunciated proposals for museums and science centers. Bachelard’s words have, in particular, many parallels with Jorge Wagensberg’s total museology, developed in the last decades of the 20th century, and, as it is intended to demonstrate, can form a useful foundation for current museological thinking.
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