Vol. 1 No. 23 (2021): enero-junio
Research article

Considerations on Visitor Satisfaction as Part of an Integral Evaluation Methodology

Natalia Bazán
Raúl Alejandro Ajmat
Instituto de Investigación en Luz, Ambiente y Visión (ILAV), Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (UNT), Argentina

Published 2025-01-24


  • visitor satisfaction,
  • visitor studies,
  • museums,
  • Argentina

How to Cite

Considerations on Visitor Satisfaction as Part of an Integral Evaluation Methodology. (2025). Intervención, Revista Internacional De Conservación, Restauración Y Museología, 1(23), 202-255. https://doi.org/10.30763/intervencion.246.v1n23.25.2021


This RESEARCH ARTICLE presents the application of a model of museum visitors’ satisfaction which was developed through visitor studies in four museums in Argentina. The model aimed to identify what influence the visitor´s own characteristics, as well as their perception of the experience the museum offers them, had on their overall satisfaction. Data was collected in two stages: one before the visit and another one immediately after. This process permitted the identification of certain common patterns to all the case studies in relation to visitors’ satisfaction, a necessary condition to better understand their needs and behavior, in order to generate memorable experiences.


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