Behind the Scenes.: Conversations on Exhibition Design in the COVID-19 Era: Changing the Narrative.Conversaciones en torno a la museografía en la Era COVID-19: cambiando la narrativa.
Published 2021-06-28
- museums,
- exhibition desing,
- sustentability,
- museology,
- interpretation
- audience ...More
Copyright (c) 2021 Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH)

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Throughout the confinement caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, we have seen a series of online conferences that have addressed the various challenges facing museums around the world today, but there has been little reflection on the challenges and implications that the pandemic and specifically, austerity policies are causing in terms of exhibition design. This review is a reflection on the virtual roundtables that took place on November 16th-19th, 2020 to discuss the challenges of museography in the COVID-19 era.
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