Vol. 2 No. 24 (2021): juli-december
Research article

Creation of a Method to Diagnose the Conservation Status of Archival Documents. Practical Case: Documents of the Real Audiencia in Chile

Natalia Ríos Martínez
Archivo Nacional (AN), Chile; Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), España

Published 2021-12-28

How to Cite

Creation of a Method to Diagnose the Conservation Status of Archival Documents. Practical Case: Documents of the Real Audiencia in Chile. (2021). Intervención, Revista Internacional De Conservación, Restauración Y Museología, 2(24), 92-136. https://doi.org/10.30763/intervencion.252.v2n24.31.2021


Exposition about the methodology and results of an approach to diagnose the conservation status of one of the emblematic collections of the Archivo Nacional (AN) de Chile: the Real Audiencia funds. In the absence of a systematic procedure to determine the status of this funds, we had to formulate and develop trials for a new methodology to learn about, and identify, hazards to the collection. This initiative made it possible to forecast appropriate decisions regarding conservation. Also, it can be disseminated and replicated in other archives of similar institutional characteristics in other countries. Archive conservation should be established as a permanent area of technical support, while maintaining archival science, history, legal value and serving the citizens as a core purpose.


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