Urban Heritage Management Processes in the City of Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico. Interventions: Social and Institutional Participation
Published 2021-12-28
- built heritage,
- Xalapa,
- interventions,
- defense of heritage,
- assessing values
Copyright (c) 2021 Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH)

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This text presents a study on the Historical Center of the city of Xalapa, in the state of Veracruz, to explain the current conditions of its built heritage. Starting with an analysis of the sociopolitical context which has generated the city’s transformation: losses, appreciation, and defense of historical buildings. Based on documentary sources and fieldwork, it builds an interpretation of the phenomena that affect the way this heritage is appreciated and intervened; furthermore, it presents the main points of view and evidence of representative cases that offer a glimpse of the complex challenge of conserving Xalapa’s heritage.
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