Initial Assessment of the Properties of Nopal Gum as a Possible Additive in the Conservation of Adobe Buildings
Published 2025-01-27
- nopal gum,
- adobe,
- capillarity,
- strength,
- cohesion
Copyright (c) 2022 Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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This research article exposes a possible application of the nopal gum (Opuntia ficus) variety as an additive to promote the durability of adobes, which may be used in the conservation of architectural heritage. This research was carried out in the Laboratory on Cubic Soil Specimens. While preparing the mixtures, different concentrations of previously dehydrated and powdered nopal gum were added. Through moisture retention, capillarity, and compressive strength analysis, the samples were evaluated, and the results found—also discussed here—show that adding nopal gum increases the compression strength of soil specimens and reduces capillarity. In fact, it was possible to maintain the cohesion of the particles in the soil samples during their exposure to humid environments. Having obtained such aptitude in the properties of said specimens makes this substance viable for its use in the conservation of adobe buildings.
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