Vol. 1 No. 25 (2022): january-june
Informe académico

The Issue of Unknown Landscapes in the Online Cataloging of the North American National Art Museums

María Eugenia Rabadán Villalpando
Universidad de Guanajuato (UG), México

Published 2025-01-27


  • visual studies on landscapes,
  • art after modernity,
  • national art museums of North America,
  • Thomas Kuhn

How to Cite

The Issue of Unknown Landscapes in the Online Cataloging of the North American National Art Museums. (2025). Intervención, Revista Internacional De Conservación, Restauración Y Museología, 1(25), 200-240. https://doi.org/10.30763/Intervencion.265.v1n25.44.2022


This academic report is a part of a research, from the perspective of visual studies, on landscape art of modernity and after it in the Western tradition. This work proposes to analyze, in accordance with the structuralism of Thomas Kuhn, the change in visual Gestalt of the beginning of the 20th century related to the articulation in art of a new paradigm. The visualization cuts across the curating and the cataloging of online collections of North American National Museums of Art, questioning the differential perception of structuring the abstract and the conceptual in the landscape between collections. However, this study finds a theoretical solution to the phenomenon of the invisibility of images in episodes of a non-accumulative nature, typical of paradigmatic changes, according to Kuhn’s model.


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