No. 7 (2013): enero-junio

Restructuring Latin American Art: the Constellation Model

Gabriela Andrea Piñero

Published 2013-07-03

How to Cite

Restructuring Latin American Art: the Constellation Model. (2013). Intervención, Revista Internacional De Conservación, Restauración Y Museología, 7, 11-20.


Since the 80’s, a great number of art critics and curators have developed different theoretical and curatorial models to analyse and exhibit Latin American art. This paper analyses the curatorial model explored in two exhibitions that were organized by the art historian Mari Carmen Ramírez and the writer Héctor Olea: Heterotopías: Medio siglo sin-lugar: 1918-1968 (Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, 2000-2001), and Inverted Utopias. Avant-garde in Latin America (Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, 2004).
The constellation model is presented as a different way to the traditional display models used by institutions in the US and Europe to explore and display Latin American artworks. One of the cognitive values of this model is that it criticises the historicism that characterizes many narratives and art exhibitions from Latin America and other regions.


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