No. 9 (2014): enero-junio
Book Review

Constructing the museographic gaze. Antimanual del museólogo by Lauro Zavala

Norma Angélica Ávila Meléndez
Coordinación Nacional Museos y Exposiciones [CNME]-Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia [INAH]

Published 2014-12-05


  • museum reception theory,
  • museological communication,
  • the visitor as part of the heritage

How to Cite

Constructing the museographic gaze. Antimanual del museólogo by Lauro Zavala. (2014). Intervención, Revista Internacional De Conservación, Restauración Y Museología, 9, 87-89.


This review synthesizes Lauro Zavala’s theoretical posi-tion constructed over 16 years, by describring its three reflexive axes: the visitors’ evaluation as the most valuable  heritage, the dimensions of the museographic experience (ludic, ritual and educational) and transdisciplinary  models for its study (pragmatic, syntagmatic, narrative reconstruction and general spatial models).

In this book, in-training museologists will meet an expert who works “outside” the field of museology, who has proposed a theoretical approach in synchrony with researchers responsible for the new types of communication  models for museums during the 1990s. Meanwhile, museum professionals who are already familiar with Zavala’s work will be able to assess to what extent the visitor is still taken for granted within Mexican museographic context or if any other visitor-centered communication possibilities have been created.


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  1. Falk, John Howard y Lynn Dianne Dierking
  2. The Museum Experience, Washington, Howells House.
  3. Hooper-Greenhill, Eilean (ed.)
  4. Museums and Their Visitors, Nueva York, Routledge.
  5. The Educational Role of Museum, Nueva York, Routledge.
  6. Miles, Roger y Lauro Zavala (ed.)
  7. Towards the Museum of the Future: New European Perspectives, Nueva York, Routledge.
  8. Zavala, Lauro
  9. “La tendencia transdisciplinaria en los estudios culturales”, Folios: Revista de la Facultad de Humanidades,
  10. :23-30.
  11. Antimanual del museólogo. Hacia una museología de la vida cotidiana, México, UAM/INAH/Conaculta.
  12. Zavala, Lauro et al.
  13. Posibilidades y límites de la comunicación
  14. museográfica, México, UNAM.
  15. ICOFOM
  16. Museología: retorno a las bases, ICOFOM (Study Series 38).