No. 10 (2014): julio-diciembre
Book Review

Archaelogical Research and Conservation in the North of Mexico: "A 100 años de su descubrimiento, Alta vista" (Alta Vista: 100 years After its Discovery)

Enrique García García
Museo Nacional de Antropología (MNA) del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH)

Published 2014-12-05


  • History of archaeology,
  • Alta Vista,
  • Zacatecas,
  • Northern Mexican archaeology,
  • Mesoamerican religion,
  • archaeological conservation
  • ...More

How to Cite

Archaelogical Research and Conservation in the North of Mexico: "A 100 años de su descubrimiento, Alta vista" (Alta Vista: 100 years After its Discovery). (2014). Intervención, Revista Internacional De Conservación, Restauración Y Museología, 10, 98-101.


The review of "A 100 años de su descubrimiento, Alta Vista" (Alta Vista: 100 Years After its Discovery) by J. Humberto Medina González and Baudelina L. García Uranga analyses the contributions of this book recently published by the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (National Institute of Anthropology and History, INAH) and the State Government of Zacatecas, México. Being the result of more than twenty years of research in the field, cabi net and in archives of different nature in Mexico and the United States of America, this work represents a compilation of great relevance for the archaeology of northern Mexico because it provides an overview of all the conservation and restoration activities carried out in one of the most important archaeological sites of the region. A learned iconographic study stands out among the interpretative content of the book, which describes the history and meaning of the representation of eagles devouring serpents. This representation appeared as a decoration on several ceramics encountered throughout Alta Vista’s history. Finally, this volume brings together information regarding the conservation on the earthen architecture of the site, a history of interventions that goes back to the beginnings of the nineteenth century.



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