Published 2010-06-11 — Updated on 2025-01-13
- narrated space,
- object-based writing,
- museographic interference,
- presence effect,
- historical sensation
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The present text aproaches a museological critic focused on the genre of the history museum, it locates the attained observations into a reference system that makes a distintion between place of science and place of culture, laying both elements (science and culture) and transform them into a distinction between consciousness and experience. Within the interrelation between historic discourse and museology relies the difference established by an object-writing that, as much as producing a cognitive experience, makes it posible to feel it like a real past experience. If the historic discourse finds one of its modes of expression at the museum, indeed a form of writing, this does not mean that it can escape from an indirect relationship with the construction of narratives and tales, whose meanings are transformed when they become cultural device-things.
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