No. 8 (2023): Narrativas Antropológicas

Corpo-orality: a conceptual category of embodiment

José Joel Lara González
Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social-CIESAS México

Published 2023-06-30


  • corpo-orality, embodiment, anthropology or narratives, dialogicality.

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Corpo-orality is a conceptual proposal that is presented as a dialogical synthesis between oral discourses and corporal discourses that found corporality in culture. This concept that I have rehearsed from 2012 until now, is supported by processes that are developed in oral narratives inherited from previous generations and that are embodied in the body, as the existential foundation of culture. Corpo-orality is characterized by the constant heterogeneity of styles and the plurality of voices, which is why it is not based on cultural repetitions, but rather on the mobility that is updated in the event, whether it is merely spoken or bodily. This article presents what have been the main influences on the conceptual conformation and also what are the fields of knowledge with which. I propose to article it in its constitution. I reflect on this conceptual category from its theoretical aspects and, at the same time, I raise the importance of developing this category from local, personal and social narratives in cultural traditions in favor of a more dialogic anthropology that focuses its attention on narratives from the intimacy of culture.


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