The Society of the Mount and the Extended Mixtec Community


  • Juan José Atilano Flores


mixtecs, ontology, alliance, affiliation


Based on ethnographic data on the psychic identity between humans and ñu’un of the Mixtecs in the Cahuatache community, located in the municipality of Xalpatláhuac, Montaña de Guerrero, this article analyzes the notion of native person. Following the narrative of the myths sun and moon, as well as da Savi si'i, a classification of the existing ones of the mountain is proposed and the possibilities of alliance and filiation relationships between men and wildebeest are explored, drawing an outline of the hierarchical organization that includes saints, the dead, beings from the rain, lightning and the air.


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How to Cite

Atilano Flores, J. J. (2023). The Society of the Mount and the Extended Mixtec Community. Nueva Antropología, 35(96), 125–142. Retrieved from