Public Toilets: Breaking the Rites of Urination from the Trans Body Experience


  • Ericka López Sánchez


public toilets, trans people, public-private space, trans men.


Public toilets are highly gendered and structured spaces based on the "true biology" of bodies that reproduce the public and private space of the political-social world implemented by liberal democracy. This article analyzes the importance of public toilets in the cisgender or- der as sites of the binary "natural" male-female rearrangement, which means that these spac- es, from being considered as places of "simple organic  waste",  are understood as disputed political  territories between cisgender and trans bodies. While the women urinate while sit- ting, in private, inside the cubicles, the men do it standing up in the urinals and in a public way. The "natural" rite of urination, disrupts trans male bodies in their physiological experi- ence of urinating in a public bathroom, which has the urinal as a strict instrument. The simple fact of not using this instrument as socially expected, exposes them to situations of violence and discrimination.


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How to Cite

López Sánchez, E. (2021). Public Toilets: Breaking the Rites of Urination from the Trans Body Experience. Nueva Antropología, 33(93), 11–27. Retrieved from