No. 7 (2020): Verbal Mythical Narrative in the Mayo River. Approaches to the Sacred Universe of an Amerindian group (Cahíta)

I. The Origin of the Sun, Humanity and natural goods

Fidel Camacho Ibarra (comp.)
Coordinación Nacional de Antropología, INAH
Diego Enrique Ballesteros Rosales (comp.)
Coordinación Nacional de Antropología, INAH

Published 2022-11-01

How to Cite


The narratives in this section deal with two axes related to the solar star, the Great Organizer, whose origin or regularity of its astral journey determines the passage from continuity to discontinuity. This is expressed in the dissipation of darkness and, specifically, in the establishment of the cyclical alternation between day and night. The regularity of the cycle determines the seasons, where climatic alternation is associated with the behavior of some animals and with the appearance of corn.


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