No. 7 (2020): Verbal Mythical Narrative in the Mayo River. Approaches to the Sacred Universe of an Amerindian group (Cahíta)

III. The Sky Arrowman and the Serpent

Fidel Camacho Ibarra (comp.)
Coordinación Nacional de Antropología, INAH
Diego Enrique Ballesteros Rosales (comp.)
Coordinación Nacional de Antropología, INAH

Published 2022-11-01


In this section we find an extremely fertile narrative field related to the transgression and the repairing action of the "Celestial Arrowman". The central character of this set of myths assumes the role of a celestial deity known as Sujjan, who after having been a deer hunter becomes the "Watcher of the World", in charge of shooting the snakes that invade the earth's surface.


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