No. 8 (2020): Multiple perspectives on the Pandemic II. Ethnographic views of Cultural Diversity in the face of COVID-19.

The infamies of the book. Notes on books and antiquarian booksellers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico City

Marina Alonso Bolaños
Fonoteca, INAH

Published 2023-12-21

How to Cite

The infamies of the book. Notes on books and antiquarian booksellers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico City. (2023). Field Routes, 8, 21-27.


The life of many old booksellers has come to light as a result of the pandemic, because the confinement stopped, to a certain extent, the intensity of the daily market in the streets and everyday life emerged as a sphere to which the ethnographic gaze had to be transferred.


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  1. Appadurai, Arjun (ed.) (1991). La vida social de las cosas. Perspectiva cultural de las mercancías. México: Grijalbo.
  2. Montero, José Antonio (28-02-2020). “Los enemigos del libro”. La Jornada: El Correo Ilustrado. Recuperado de:
  3. Poniatowska, Elena (16-02-2020). “¿Por qué se atenta contra los libros?”. La Jornada "Cultura". Recuperado de: