No. 12 (2018): Suicidio

Factores de riesgo y protección del suicidio. Una crítica epistemológica

Erik Mendoza Luján
Dirección de Antropología Física, INAH

Published 2018-06-30


  • suicide,
  • biopolitics,
  • death,
  • doxa,
  • epistemology

How to Cite

Factores de riesgo y protección del suicidio. Una crítica epistemológica. (2018). Vita Brevis, 12, 10-22.


To speak of suicide is to speak of death, of dying by one’s own hand, at least that is how different experts on the subject define it. Dying by one’s own will is an act that implies the exercise of a right to make decisions on one’s own life and, thus, on one’s own death. Since the last century, health policies have implemented a series of preventive measures, policies aimed at safeguarding life, protecting it, Biopolitics. However, for those who have decided that their existence, their life, no longer has quality, is it important to remain alive? Or, perhaps, do these individuals have the right to exercise their will over their life and death? In light of an epistemological analysis we can see that not all suicides, nor all suicide victims, wish to be protected from themselves.


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