No. 13 (2018): Muerte en el arte

La Catrina, de José Guadalupe Posada: analogía gráfica del símbolo mestizo y sincretismo mexicano

María Guadalupe Reyes García
Universidad Autónoma de Durango, Campus Zacatecas

Published 2018-12-31


  • skeleton,
  • Posada,
  • mestizaje,
  • icon,
  • symbol,
  • Mexican identity
  • ...More

How to Cite

La Catrina, de José Guadalupe Posada: analogía gráfica del símbolo mestizo y sincretismo mexicano. (2018). Vita Brevis, 13, 1-29.


Today the image of the Catrina (elegantly dressed female skeleton) is one of Mexico’s most wellknown symbols on an international level. In Mexico it has become increasingly common during Day of the Dead festivities and it represents the traits of mestizophilia and Mexican syncretism, for it embodies more history than might be apparent at first sight. The Catrina is a positive icon and possesses the possibility of evolving into different types of visual expression. Its mutability allows for the creation of new forms that express the richness of Mexican culture, just as Rivera transformed Posada’s garbancera (an indigenous person embracing European styles) into a Catrina.


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