Pestilencia, el jinete del caballo blanco. Resignificación de la muerte a partir de la pandemia de SARS-CoV-2
Published 2023-02-28
- SARS-CoV-2,
- Pandemia,
- Muerte,
- Enfermedad,
- Coronavirus
Copyright (c) 2019 Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
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Since ancient times, the human being has faced various calamities of natural order, which have left death and destruction, directly or indirectly affecting the daily lives of human beings and various animals. It is worth mentioning that these effects have occurred in the form of earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, hurricanes, various diseases that have been caused by any virus or bacteria, which due to their transmission capacity become epidemics or pandemics, the latter being the one that is currently affecting the world population considerably. In this work there will be a brief historical overview of the various diseases that have affected human life over time.
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