Published 2024-01-09
- Soul,
- Worldview,
- Shamanism,
- Reincarnation
Copyright (c) 2020 Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
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The rituals of human death aim to bring the soul of the human being to find a place for eternal rest, thereby appearing the concepts of worldview typical of shamanism; from where Heaven and Hell derive from the religions and their respective churches. We present various concepts of the soul, belonging to various forms of religious thought and relationships with the diversity of cults present in human societies. We emphasize the shamanic proposal encompassing two possibilities: First. The traditional one, historically popularized and that is sustained by the descent of the Soul of the deceased through the floors of the Underworld, to transcend the World of the Dead. Second. The one corresponding to a contribution, which is the result of what we have investigated with a Mexico City Urban Shaman, who supports his ideology in the concepts of the Shining Egg, fibers that comprise it, their opening of these when the person is dying and the consequence of it. Finally, we conclude why there is no reincarnation and from where the soul of the human being originates, as a shamanic proposal.
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