No. 16 (2020): Imaginarios de la muerte

Muerte y ritual en la Zona Metropolitana del Valle de México

José Iñigo Aguilar Medina
Dirección de Etnología y Antropología Social, INAH

Published 2024-01-09


  • Values wake,
  • Burial,
  • Day of the dead,
  • Raising the cross,
  • Novena

How to Cite

Muerte y ritual en la Zona Metropolitana del Valle de México. (2024). Vita Brevis, 16, 37-60.


It analyzes the behavior of the inhabitants of the Metropolitan Zone of the Valley of Mexico, regarding the rites that accompany death, in an environment of wide secularization. It is considered that the ritual emphasizes both the meaning that culture and religion give it with its rites, as well as the values that consider the social relationship. And he proposes that the former are better understood and accepted by the older and the latter by the young. To investigate this, 639 individuals over 18 years of age were interviewed. They were grouped by generation: young, adults, elderly and it was found that they retain unequal preferences, young women tend to shorten the rites or consider them unnecessary, they give relevance to social ties and appreciate the food of the day of the dead; the older ones follow the rites and value prayer and being prepared for their death more.


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