Núm. 4 (2017): Conversaciones... con Camilo Boito y Gustavo Giovannoni

Theoretical contributions of Camillo Boito and Gustavo Giovannoni and their possible applications in Brazil

Publicado 2018-04-11

Palabras clave

  • Theory,
  • Brazilian cultural heritage,
  • practice,
  • restoration.

Cómo citar

Theoretical contributions of Camillo Boito and Gustavo Giovannoni and their possible applications in Brazil. (2018). Conversaciones con. , 4, 232-246. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/conversaciones/article/view/11900


This text was the result of the discovery that there was a wide gap between theory and practice in the works of most of the Brazilian architectural conservators. Therefore, the aim was to carry out a brief historical review, using the contributions to the construction of a theoretical eld of conservation made by some authors over time, especially Camillo Boito and Gustavo Giovannoni. The length of the discussion process is also emphasized. 

The development of Brazilian legislation and of the idea of cultural heritage preservation in Brazil is also shown, with the aim of highlighting the conservation practice that has been taking place, particularly in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. This evidenced the initial perception that such practice is far removed from theory. However, it is very important to stress that the gap that was identi ed is common all over the country. It is rare to nd cases of conservation of cultural heritage where a methodological and theoretical precision can be observed. 


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