Núm. 8 (2019): Conversaciones... con Herb Stovel

Herb Stovel and authenticity in World Heritage conservation practice

Publicado 2020-05-20

Palabras clave

  • authenticity,
  • integrity,
  • Nara document on authenticity,
  • conservation doctrine

Cómo citar

Herb Stovel and authenticity in World Heritage conservation practice. (2020). Conversaciones con. , 8, 95-106. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/conversaciones/article/view/15671


The 2008 article in the APT Bulletin by Herb Stovel focuses on the impact of the authenticity debate on the conservation of built heritage, particularly on World Heritage sites. Stovel describes discussions leading up to the important international meeting in 1994 in Nara, Japan and assesses the impact of the Nara document on authenticity on conservation practice. This paper examines Stovel’s article from four perspectives: the origins of the authenticity debate, theoretical advances made at Nara, conservation practice, and the incomplete theorization of integrity. It supplements Stovel’s paper by deepening the pre-Nara context and by furthering consideration of the impacts of the Nara document on conservation practice. It explores unfinished business with regard to the application of integrity to cultural World Heritage sites. The paper also adds passages from Stovel’s insightful 2011 interviews for the World Heritage Oral Archives program, thereby offering a glimpse of the evolution of his thinking on these issues after 2008.


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  1. Cameron, Christina (2008) “From Warsaw to Mostar: The World Heritage Committee and authenticity”, APT Bulletin 39 (2/3): 19-24.
  2. Cameron, Christina and Mechtild Rössler (2013) Many voices, one vision: The early years of the World Heritage convention, Ashgate, Farnham.
  3. Cameron, Christina and Nobuko Inaba (2015) “The making of the Nara document”, APT Bulletin 46 (4): 30-37.
  4. ICOMOS (1994) The Nara document on authenticity [https://www.icomos.org/charters/nara-e.pdf] (accessed on 20 August 2019).
  5. Parent, Michel (1979) Comparative study of nominations and criteria for world cultural heritage, principles and criteria for inclusion of properties on the World Heritage List [http://whc.unesco.org/archive/1979/cc-79-conf003-11e.pdf] (accessed on 20 July 2019).
  6. Pressouyre, Léon (1996) The World Heritage convention, twenty years later, Association of Former UNESCO Staff Members, Paris.
  7. Stovel, Herb (2000) “Nara revisited: the impact of the Nara document on the understanding and use of the authenticity concept”, in: Giuseppe Cristinelli and Vittorio Foramitti (eds.), Il Restauro fra identità et autenticità. Atti della Tavola rotunda “I principi fondativi des restauro architecttonico”, Marsilio, Venice pp. 244.
  8. Stovel, Herb (2008) “Origins and influence of the Nara document on authenticity”, APT Bulletin 39 (2/3): 9-17.
  9. UNESCO (1977) Operational Guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage convention [https://whc.unesco.org/archive/opguide77a.pdf] (accessed on 14 July 2019).
  10. UNESCO (1992) Report of the Rapporteur on the sixteenth session of the World Heritage Committee in Santa Fe, 7-14 December 1992 [https://whc.unesco.org/archive/1992/whc-92-conf002-12e.pdf] (accessed on 30 July 2019).
  11. UNESCO (2005) Operational guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage convention [https://whc.unesco.org/archive/opguide05-en.pdf] (accessed on 14 July 2019).
  12. UNESCO (2017) Operational guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage convention [https://whc.unesco.org/en/guidelines/] (accessed on 14 July 2019).
  13. University of Montreal (2011) Audio interview of Herb Stovel by Christina Cameron, Ottawa, Canada, World Heritage Oral Archives, Canada Research Chair on Built Heritage, University of Montreal [http://www.patrimoinebati.umontreal.ca/en/research-projects/active-projects/oral-archives-of-the-world-heritage-convention/] (accessed on 20 August 2019).