No. 2 (2016): Conversaciones... con Jukka Jokilehto

El valor del patrimonio arquitectónico. Más allá de Alois Riegl, con el permiso de Jokilehto

Albert Casals
ETSAB. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
José Luis González Moreno
ETSAB. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Mariona Genís Vinyals
Bau. GREDITS. UVic Universitat Central de Catalunya (UCC)

Published 2017-05-26


  • systemic method,
  • objective heritage values,
  • interdisciplinary work

How to Cite

El valor del patrimonio arquitectónico. Más allá de Alois Riegl, con el permiso de Jokilehto. (2017). Conversaciones con. , 2, 75-86.


This article aims initially at establishing the specific characteristics of the concept of value in the restoration of heritage buildings, based on those defined long ago by Riegl, and those most recently presented by Jokilehto, and directed to the field of architecture, in which “the basic requirement [of a conservation architect] is to be capable of working in a team” (Jokilehto, 2007: 279). The main aim is to expose the approaches developed by the authors in order to face the difficulty of processes in which there must necessarily be various opinions by professionals with specific activities, such as historians, conservators, engineers and architects, who often have confronted valuation criteria. Those approaches are based on a method developed by the authors, and entitled Systemic Method for Architectural Conservation; it has been applied in specific Master programmes, designed for architects and other professionals, at the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, coupled with the results of empirical research. La formación de los arquitectos restauradores. Elaboración de un modelo didáctico (Genís-Vinyals, 2014), which was the results of a doctoral dissertation in that same University. Prior to the presentation of this method, it was considered necessary to specify the concrete character of the different concepts of value applied in architectural conservation, which were also developed based on the personal reflection of the authors and on the differences that separate them from the two above-quoted authors, who are nevertheless undeniable points of reference.


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