No. 2 (2016): Conversaciones... con Jukka Jokilehto

Valores patrimoniales, la perspectiva del actor social: la historia de Manuel y su barrio patrimonial

Bernardita Ladrón de Guevara
Unidad de Geoinformación del Patrimonio, Centro Nacional de Conservación y Restauración, DIBAM, Chile

Published 2017-05-26


  • valuation,
  • urban heritage,
  • social representations,
  • social actor,
  • conflict

How to Cite

Valores patrimoniales, la perspectiva del actor social: la historia de Manuel y su barrio patrimonial. (2017). Conversaciones con. , 2, 89-100.


Using a fictional story involving Manuel –a neighbourhood leader- and Claudio –a historian architect- who are joining their efforts in trying to stop the destruction of a historic port neighbourhood through declaring its legal protection, this paper aims at exemplifying numerous real case scenarios in which we are faced with difficulties and limitations for the enhancement of heritage sites centred in common or “universal” values, using Jokilehto’s words from “Heritage values and valuation” (2016). Two additional characters are added to the story, allowing the setting of four different points of view, interests and valuation forms, which are sometimes openly opposed, while at other times they are complementary; but they all tend to differ in the means and courses of action used to achieve a same end. As a consequence, the valuation of a historic setting will converge, sometimes as nostalgic views of the past, sometimes as inspiration for the future; at other times, they are simply indifferent views, with a pragmatic approach to the present. Combined together, they form a scenario in which conflict is always around the corner. By uncovering the real difficulty of applying the concept of Outstanding Universal Value, I consider the need of delving into the theoretical developments, and well as into the tools and methodologies that will allow us a better management of heritage in the Latin American context. These should allow for a more in-depth understanding and a more adequate treatment of the different voices of a territory (in agreement and disagreement), which would lead us to achieve the expected results, and which can also be socially sustainable over time.


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