Vol. 1 Núm. 2 (1994): El tiempo y las palabras

Trabajo, intercambio y la construcción de la historia: una exploración etnográfica de la lógica cultural nahua

Catharine Good Eshelman
Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia, INAH

Publicado 2023-10-27

Palabras clave

  • Etnografía,
  • Cultura nahuas,
  • Trabajo

Cómo citar

Trabajo, intercambio y la construcción de la historia: una exploración etnográfica de la lógica cultural nahua. (2023). Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 1(2), 139-154. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/cuicuilco/article/view/20040




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  1. Catharine Good Eshelman, «Arte y comercio nahua: El amate pintado de Guerrero», en América Indígena, volumen XLI, número 2, pp. 245-264,1981; Haciendo la lucha: arte y comercio nahuas de Guerrero, Fondo de Cultura Económica, México, 1988; Work and Exchange in Náhuatl Society: Local Valúes and the Dynamics of an Indigenous Economy, Ph. D. Dissertation, The Johns Hopkins University, 1993.
  2. Sidney Mintz y Richard Price, The Birth of Afroamerican Culture, Beacon Press, Boston, 1989 y de los Andes (John Murra, et al. (editores), The Anthropological History of Andean Polities, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,1986; Olivia Harris, «Labour and Produce in an Ethnic Economy: Northern Potosí, Bolivia», en David Lehmann (editor), Ecology and Exchange in the Andes, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1982); véase también las obras etnológicas de Annette Weiner, «Stability in Banana Leaves», en M. Etienne y E. Leacock (editores), Women and History: Studies in the Colonization of Pre-Capitalist Societies, J. F. Begin, New York, 1980; The Trobrianders of Papua New Guinea, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1987; Inalienable Possessions: the Paradox of Keeping While Giving, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1992; John y Jean Comaroff, Ethnography and the Historical Iniagination, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1992.
  3. Gillian Feeley-Harnik, Grecn Estilles, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, 1992; Maurice Bloch y J Parry, (editores), Moneyand theMorality ofExchange, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1989.
  4. Claude Levi-Strauss (The Elementar^ Structures of Kinship, Beacon Press, Boston, (1949).
  5. John Monaghan, «Reciprocity, Redistribution and the Transaction of Valué in the Mesoamerican Fiesta», en American Ethnologist, Vol. 17(4):778-794,1990.
  6. (Jonathan Parry, «The GIFT, the Indian Gift and the "Indian Gift"», en Man, número 21, pp. 453-473,1986)
  7. Marcel Mauss, The Gift: Fornts and Functions of Exchange in Archaic Societies, Norton New York, (1925), 1966; y Marshall Sahlins, Stone Age Econontics, Aldine, Chicago, 1972.
  8. Stability in Banana...»; The Trobrianders of...; Inalienable Possessions...; Edmund Leach y Jerry Leach, (editores), The Kula. New Perspectivas in Massirn Exchange, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1983; Daryll K. Feil, «From Pigs to Pearlshells: The Transformation of a New Guinea Highland Exchange Economy», en American Ethnologist, número 9, pp. 291-306,1982.
  9. Ways of Exchange: The Enga Tree of Papua New Guinea, University of Queensland Press, St. Lucia, 1984; Andrew Strathern, The Rope of Moka, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1971; «Gender, Ideology and Money in Mount Hagen», en Man, número 14, pp. 530-548, 1979.
  10. Michael Young, Fighting with Food. Leadership, Valúes and Social Control in a Massim Society, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1971.
  11. Abutu in Kalauna: A Retrospect, en Mankind, vol 15, número 2, pp.184-197, 1985.
  12. Chris A. Gregory, «Gifts to Men and Gifts to God: Gift Exchange and Capital Accumulation in Contemporary Papua», en Man, número 15, pp. 626-652,1980.
  13. Gifts and Commodities, Academic Press, London, 1982. Sobre los Andes: Billie Jean Isbell, To Defend Ourselves: Ecology and Ritual in an Andean Village, University of Texas Press, Austin, 1978.
  14. Enrique Mayer, Reciprocity, Self-Sufficiency and Market Relations in a Contemporary Community in the Central Andes of Perú, Ph. D. Dissertation, Cornell University, 1974.
  15. Giorgio Alberti y Enrique Mayer, (editores), Reciprocidad e intercambio en los Andes peruanos, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Lima, 1974.
  16. John Murra, «Cloth and its Functions in the Inca State», en American Anthropologist, volumen I, número 64, pp. 710-725, 1962
  17. RaymondKelly, The Nuer Conquest: The Structureand Development of an Expansionist System, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1985; Sharon Hutchinson, The Nuer in Crisis: Coping with Money, War and the State, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Chicago 1988.
  18. Nancy Farris, «Time and the Maya», en Comparative Studies in Society and History, volumen 27,1987.
  19. Woven Heaven, Tangled Earth. A Weaver's Paradigm of the Mesoamerican Cosmos, en A. Aveni y G. Urton, editores, Ethnoastronomy and Archeoastronomy in the American Tropics, Annaís of the New York Academy of Sciences. New York, volumen 385, pp. 1-35, 1982.
  20. Jane and Kenneth Hill, Speaking Mexicano: The Dynamics of Syncretic Language in Central México, University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 1986; Joanne Rappaport, The Politics of Memory: Native Historical Interpretation, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
  21. George V. Lovell, «Surviving Conquest: The Maya of Guatemala in Historical Perspective», en Latin American Research Review, volumen XXIII, número 2, 1988, pp. 25-57.
  22. Gregory, «Gifts to Men and Gifts...»; Gifts and Cotninodities...; Weiner, «Stability in Banana...»; InalienablePossessions...;Bloch and Parry, Moneil and theMorality of...;Parry, «The GIFT, the Indian Gift and...»; Harris, op. cit.; Christopher Healey, «New Guinea Inland Trade: Transformation and Resilience in the Context of Capitalist Penetration», en Mankind, volumen 15, número 2,1985, pp.127-144.