Vol. 27 No. 77 (2020): Expresiones religiosas en América Latina e Italia

The manifestations of the faith: San Felipe Neri. 16th Century patron saint of Rome

Published 2020-06-03


  • Filippo Neri,
  • Saints,
  • Women,
  • Virgin Mary,
  • Identity

How to Cite

The manifestations of the faith: San Felipe Neri. 16th Century patron saint of Rome. (2020). Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 27(77), 23-40. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/cuicuilco/article/view/16109


This paper is the result of research carried out in Rome, Italy, over the period 2016-17, the purpose being to account for ‘the model’ of Christianization throughout Europe during the 16th Century. One of the main elements of this model was the creation of the Catholic religious identity proposed by Saint Filippo Neri, whose inspiration and example was the Virgin Mary. This article exhibits the vision that led communities, and most of the saints, to identify with it in a human / spiritual relationship. Moreover, it addresses the point of view that many of the sermons were directed at women, designed to convey morality, purity and virginity, as well as promoting the example of being a mother, thus creating a symbol that is supported by myth and reaffirmed in ritual; this is the key to the religious representation and the fundamental role of the Virgin.


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