Vol. 28 No. 82 (2021): Homenaje a Michelle Z. Rosaldo

Social drama in a church. The creation of Casa de Gracia Inclusive in Mexico City

Published 2022-03-04 — Updated on 2022-03-13



  • Social drama, performance, ritual, inclusive church, identity.

How to Cite

Social drama in a church. The creation of Casa de Gracia Inclusive in Mexico City. (2022). Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 28(82), 149-168. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/cuicuilco/article/view/17653 (Original work published 2022)


In this article I outline and analyse the creation of an inclusive church in Mexico City, in 2016: Casa de Gracia Inclusive; this study forms part of my research on this Christian institution. I used a qualitative methodology regarding the fieldwork, which I carried out from 2015 to 2018. I conducted both participant observation and ethnographic interviews with my interlocutors, all of whom were members of this church. During this period, I was able to witness the “friendly separation” of the Comunidad Cristiana de Esperanza (Christian Community of Hope) from its headquarters: Casa Mixta. The said process was carried out by way of rituals and performances with a high symbolic content, and within the framework of a “social drama” that allowed the emergence of an independent church; it was a series of events that led to the creation of an independent church. In turn, this enabled a greater sense of belonging for the actors involved and reinforced a collective identity that combines Christian elements and characteristic symbols of sexual diversity. To carry out my analysis, I used the theoretical proposals of Victor Turner.


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