Unidades corporativas de corresidencia, división del trabajo y explotación de obsidiana en el yacimiento de la Sierra de las Navajas
Published 2023-11-23
- Arqueología,
- Cerámica,
- Sierra de las Navajas
Copyright (c) 1997 Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
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Using evidence derived from ceramic, lithicandarchitectural material, theauthors discuss the concept of«domestic unit» and compare it to the concept of«corporate unit ofcoresidence». They analyse the last phase of ocupation and mine exploitation during the Late Postclassicperiod and Early Colonial times. The authors discuss certain aspects of social labor división andproductive specialization at the level of the residential unit, which is considerad here as a socio-economic cell, differentfrom the corporate unit of co-residence.
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