Vol. 31 No. 89 (2024): Diversas temáticas desde las disciplinas antropológicas
Diversas temáticas desde las disciplinas antropológicas

Ocha or Cuban Santería: bibliographicdialogues of some fundamental concepts

Published 2024-05-19


  • Osha, Ashé, person, myth, oracle.

How to Cite

Ocha or Cuban Santería: bibliographicdialogues of some fundamental concepts. (2024). Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 31(89), 133-157. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/cuicuilco/article/view/21243


This article is part of a more extensive research work on the oracular system of the snail [Mones 2022]. The article, as a part of a previous work, it is expressly dedicated to the review of the postulates of some authors on certain categories used in the analysis of the religious system of the Regla de Ocha. In order to structurally analyze the ritual system, it is necessary to examine the link of its main categories with the oracle, as well as with the concept of person managed within the ritual system. This proposal is aimed exclusively at bibliographic analysis and dialogue with these authors. Which was revealed fundamental for the development of fieldwork, reflected in the original research.


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