Vol. 19 No. 54 (2012): Dossier: Dimensiones transgresoras: travestis, transgénero y transexuales
Diversas temáticas desde las disciplinas antropológicas

La habilidad de los artesanos de navajas prismáticas y su relación con la intensidad productiva: un análisis comparativo de datos del periodo clásico en Teotihuacán y del periodo epiclásico en Xochicalco

Bradford W. Andrews
Pacific Lutheran University Tacoma, WA. Department of Anthropology.

Published 2012-08-31


  • craft production,
  • obsidian,
  • skill,
  • Teotihuacan,
  • socio-economic complexity

How to Cite

La habilidad de los artesanos de navajas prismáticas y su relación con la intensidad productiva: un análisis comparativo de datos del periodo clásico en Teotihuacán y del periodo epiclásico en Xochicalco. (2012). Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 19(54), 9-34. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/cuicuilco/article/view/405


This article addresses the scale and organization of obsidian tool production at Classic Period Teotihuacan. One important question is whether blade workshops were contexts of part or full-time production. I investigate this question by evaluating the blade-making skill of the craftsmen, a characteristic that should vary based on how much time they spent making blades. The skill of the San Martin craftsmen is compared to the skill of blade-making craftsmen at Epiclassic Xochicalco. The results of this study support the inference that many of Teotihuacan’s blade workshops may have been contexts of part-time production. If so, these findings provide grounds for questioning whether the overall socio-economic complexity of the city has been overstated.


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