Vol. 19 No. 54 (2012): Dossier: Dimensiones transgresoras: travestis, transgénero y transexuales
Diversas temáticas desde las disciplinas antropológicas

Los fenómenos glotales y el saltillo en la ortografía de las lenguas originarias

María Soledad Pérez López
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Published 2012-08-31


  • literacy,
  • indigenous languages,
  • orthography,
  • bilingualism,
  • language didactics

How to Cite

Los fenómenos glotales y el saltillo en la ortografía de las lenguas originarias. (2012). Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 19(54), 81-100. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/cuicuilco/article/view/408


This article addresses, from the basis of applied research in language didactics, one of the problems faced in the literacy of native-language speakers. It is the question of the use of the glottal stop in the orthography of these languages and the problems that exist, not only for those who are learning to read and write in these languages, but also with regard to determining the oral phenomena in linguistic studies of which this sign is the orthographic representation. The origin of this analysis and reflection is the experience developed in the literacy of these bilingual university students -Spanish / native language speakers- who are trained in applied research.


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