Presentación: El cambio climático y sus consecuencias socioculturales Fernando López Aguilar, Mayán Cervantes 13-18 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish)
The techno-cultural traditions of the Late Glacial Interstadial in Western Europe, or how to face the transition to the Holocene Alfonso Ramírez Galicia 19-46 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish)
Edaphology and archaeology: an approach to environmental change on the site scale Ana María Álvarez, Gianfranco Cassiano, Serafín Sánchez 47-73 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish)
Climatic episodes and cultural reorganizations. A look at the Holocene Fernando López Aguilar 75-103 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish)
The origin and dispersal of the domestic turkey in Mesoamerica. A conjunction of environmental and cultural factors Raúl Valadez Azúa, Bernardo Rodríguez Galicia, Gilberto Pérez Roldán 105-134 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish)
The famine of 1785-1787. A geographical reconstruction of a climate crisis Martha Beatriz Cahuich Campos 135-156 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish)
Faces of privilege. Elites and affections in New Delhi (1975-2015) Saurabh Dube 159-182 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish)
The Carnival of La Vaquita of San Juan Bautista de La Laguna, Jalisco State Paraskevi Kouvatsou 183-200 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish)
Social representations of caring for the bedridden elderly in Mexico City Yanira Aguilar Acevedo, Elia Nora Arganis Juárez 201-220 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish)
An account of moral relations at a farm in Guanajuato State Jorge Uzeta 221-239 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish)
Infantile scurvy, a comorbid condition. : A bioarchaeological study in the Santo Domingo Church, in Zacatecas Angélica María Medrano Enríquez 241-269 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish)
The story behind the name of Teotihuacan. : Historical approaches and solar observations Verónica Ortega Cabrera, Edith Vergara Esteban, Enrique Raymundo del Castillo Gómez 271-294 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish)
Over two decades of research: the study of direct violence from the bioarqueological record Aurora Marcela Pérez-Flórez, Ryan P. Harrod 295-323 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish)
Towards an anthropology of the Present Roberto Carlos Garnica Castro 327-334 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish)