Spatial conceptions and visions of empire: the Caribbean in the era of Bourbon reformism. Johanna Von Grafenstein 25-50 PDF (Spanish)
Yucatan between privilege of the crown and the scourge of nature María Isabel Campos Goenaga 51-68 PDF (Spanish)
Three stories about snuff industry: Spain, Mexico and Cuba. Artisanal manufacturing to mechanization. Ana Saloma Gutiérrez 81-99 PDF (Spanish)
The liberal and popular resistance in the Yucatan peninsula during the Second Empire, 1865-1867. Ilihutsy Monroy Casillas 101-122 PDF (Spanish)
Images and representations of childhood in Mexico at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Some considerations on the construction of a cultural history. Alberto del Castillo Troncoso 141-168 PDF (Spanish)
Crítica neuropsychological model. An abuse of the concepts of trance, ecstasy and shamanism, with regard to rock art. Roberto Martínez González 169-181 PDF (Spanish)
The birth of Huitzilopochtli-Santiago: an Aztec myth in the oral tradition of San Miguel Acuexcomac. Antonella Faguetti 183-195 PDF (Spanish)
Rodríguez-Shadow, Maria J. and Robert D. Shadow Lord: The Lord's people: the holidays and pilgrimages Chalma, Mexico, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, 2002 Anna María Fernández Poncela 209-214 PDF (Spanish)
Krader, Lawrence , Mito e ideología, México, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia,2003, tr. Ma. Antonieta Cervantes (Col. Obra Varia) ,374 pp. Paloma Bragdon 215-222 PDF (Spanish)