No. 8 (2013): julio-diciembre
Informe académico

Project: Restoration of Artillery Relics: Aspects regarding the Research and Conservation of Iron Alloy Cannons from the City of San Francisco de Campeche, Mexico

Diana Arano Recio
Centro Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia INAH- Campeche

Published 2013-12-01


  • conservation,
  • artillery,
  • electrochemistry,
  • iron,
  • tropical

How to Cite

Project: Restoration of Artillery Relics: Aspects regarding the Research and Conservation of Iron Alloy Cannons from the City of San Francisco de Campeche, Mexico. (2013). Intervención, Revista Internacional De Conservación, Restauración Y Museología, 8, 47-53.


Due to their historical importance, the artillery cannons
manufactured in grey cast iron are exhibited in public
open places at the San Francisco de Campeche city, Mexico,
where a hot, humid tropical climate prevails, which is
classified as causing a medium to high level of corrosion.
During this research, several analyses were carried out
to grey iron cannons in order to determine the chemical composition of their corrosive products. The electrochemical tests were used to understand the behaviour of the cannons’ metal under the rain, and also to evaluate the formation of stable patinas using 5% NaOH and a 5% tannic acid solution. Furthermore, a conservation strategy was implemented, that set in action a maintenance and a preservation program for a collection of 107 cannons, all which was based on scientific results derived from the above-mentioned research and on the inter-institutional collaboration of the Universidad Autónoma de Campeche (Autonomous University of Campeche), the government of the state of Campeche, la Secretaría de Desarrollo Social (Secretariat of Social Development), and el Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (National Institute of Anthropology and History) (all of them institutions in Mexico).


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