Número 10, julio-diciembre, 2014

The Recovery of the "Cristo Divino preso" (Christ, Divine Prisioner) from Bracho in Zacatecas (Mexico)

Diana Ugalde Romo
Centro Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH) Zacatecas

Published 2014-11-18


  • theft,
  • sculpture,
  • Bracho Zacatecas,
  • christian and moors

How to Cite

The Recovery of the "Cristo Divino preso" (Christ, Divine Prisioner) from Bracho in Zacatecas (Mexico). (2014). Intervención, Revista Internacional De Conservación, Restauración Y Museología, 10, 47-53. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/intervencion/article/view/272


Almost a year after its theft, polychrome sculpture "Christ Divine Prisoner" returns to its place of origin Chapel of San Juan Bautista in Bracho, Zacatecas. Once recovered the image and then to follow the appropriate legal process, was developed and executed the project of conservation and restoration of the sculpture, thanks to the catalog of movable cultural heritage in religious precincts of Zacatecas, the picture has a registration card which allowed of certain way recovering it. The importance of registration and cataloging of cultural property as a first step for conservation is reiterated.


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  1. Berthier, Eugenia, (falta año) Catálogo del Patrimonio Cultural Mueble en los Recintos Religiosos del Estado de Zacatecas. Zacatecas, Zacatecas. CentroINAH Zacatecas.
  2. Hoyo, Eugenio del, (1996) La Ciudad en Estampas. Zacatecas 1920-1940. México D.F. Ed. Libros de la espiral.
  3. Zaldivar, Juan, (1998) “Las morismas de Bracho: Investigación histórica de la fiesta de moros y cristianos”. Serie Antropología 1 (5). Zacatecas, Zacatecas. Fondo de Cultura Zacatecana.