Published 2014-12-05
- Mexican folk art,
- Dwight Morrow,
- garland medallion,
- Mexico-United States Relations,
- Saltillo sarape
How to Cite
Under the cover of a sarape: colors and international conciliations through folk art. (2014). Intervención, Revista Internacional De Conservación, Restauración Y Museología, 9, 26-33.
Textiles, as any other cultural artifact, weave history and creativity. This paper records the history of a sarape form Saltillo, that has hitherto kept the secrets of its singularity , not only related to its manufacture technique and design, but, particularly to a political, social and diplomatic dimension: it was witness to the cultural conciliation between Mexico and the United States of America during the 1930´s. Like the warp and woof in this textile, the approach of these two nations interwined of ideas and acts; one of them was that of Dwight and Elizabeth Morrow in acquiring this textile featuring unusual values.Downloads
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